Oaks North Homes For Sale

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Featured below are Oaks North homes for sale in Addison TX. If you’re interested in a home in Oaks North Addison TX or would like to schedule a private showing for an available listing, contact us at your earliest convenience or register on our website to have new listing updates that match your search criteria sent directly to your inbox. 

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Addison, TX real estate is centrally located in the heart of Dallas and offers a walkable urban district around Addison Circle. Residents in Addison, Texas offers a vibrant nightlife with restaurants, bars, local pubs and eateries, night clubs and retail shops around every corner.

One of the highlights every year is the annual Kaboom Town Firework event where residents can walk from their District A townhomes and Addison Circle mid-rise condos and apartments to Addison Park to enjoy the show. Contact one of our Addison Realtors at (214) 764-4124 for assistance and to schedule a personal tour of real estate, homes and condos for sale in Addison, TX.

Addison, TX Real Estate Market Statistics

Average Price $426K
Lowest Price $1.5K
Highest Price $3.4M
Total Listings 73
Avg. Price/SQFT $197

Property Types (active listings)